May met Bernie when she was barely 18 years old. They met because of a burlesque dancer. How did that happen?
In this section, you will read all about May and Bernie:
- What was Bernie’s childhood like?
- What was May’s childhood like?
- How did May and Bernie meet?
- Where was Bernie during WWII?
- Where and when did they get married?
- Take a look at their Wedding Photo Album
- Read the congratulatory telegrams they received for their wedding.
- Look at some of their honeymoon photos.
- What was life like for Bernie and May after they got married?
- This section also contains the poetry that Bernie wrote during WWII.
- Learn about Bernie’s siblings, Arthur and Mildred.
Use the links in the header menu to navigate through these pages.
In July of 2022, this section was updated with new photos, documents, letters, and information. The following pages were updated:
- Bernie – added a lot of new documents, including information about his business, and letters and photos
- May – added new pictures and documents, including a photo of her kindergarten class
- How They Met – added some new pictures of May
- WWII – added all the places he served, discharge information and additional pictures and documents
- WWII Photo Album – added 5 new photos
- Poetry – added a letter explaining the reasoning behind some of the poems Bernie wrote
- The Wedding – added information about the wedding photographer
- Arthur – added a lot of new photos, school records, and other information. Created new pages for
- Lois
- Their wedding album pictures
- Their 25th wedding anniversary party pictures
- Mildred – added new photos and information. Created new pages for
- Manny
- Harvey
In addition, I added new ways to get to Bernie’s siblings, so now you have 3 choices. You can still get to them from May and Bernie –> Bernie’s Siblings. Now you can also get to them from the Blieden menu –> Harvey’s and Gussie’s Children and from the Abramowitz menu –> Gussie’s and Harvey’s Children.
Over the last 2 or more years, whenever I visited siblings or cousins, I suggested we go through their old photos. We actually had lots of fun doing this! If I couldn’t visit in person, I pestered people to look through their old photos and documents for me. It is amazing how much history they never realized they had in their posessions. In this section, I used photos, documents, letters and other momentos from the following people. I can’t thank them enough!!!
- My siblings
- Ira Blieden
- Avra Tietze
- Mavra McCann
- My first cousins
- Andy Blieden
- Amy Blieden
- Harvey Rich, Ph. D. – sadly we lost Harvey in March of 2022. However, when I last visited him in CA in 2018, he found all of his old photos and let me look through them
- Magnhild Lien, Ph. D., Harvey’s wife
- Jessica Rich, Ph. D., Harvey’s daugther
- Elizabeth Stephens, daugther of Jud Bricker, my father’s first cousin