Below is a list of websites I have used in my ancestry search. There are many, many others out there that I have not had the time to explore yet. As I do, I will add them here.
DNA Tests (There are many other companies doing DNA testing but these are the ones I used.)
Research Websites, Family Trees, and DNA Comparisons
Facebook Pages
- Lithuania and Lativa Jewish Genealogy
- Tracing the Tribe – Jewish Genealogy on Facebook
- Jewish Genealogy Surname Project
- Jewish Ancestry from Shavl (šiauliai), Lithuania
Newspaper Archives
Misc. Websites
- Family Records Search in Europe
- The Old Jewish Cemeteries of Newark
- Balticgen
- FindaGrave
- Litty Cooper’s Blog – Genealogy Humor
- Yad Vasheem – The World Holocoust Remembrance Center
- Resource Guide: Searching Your jewish Ancestors from Rumania
- Army Air Force Roundtable of CT
- The Journey to Linkuva
- Control Tower at Henderson Field – Image
- Routes to Roots Foundation
- Latvian State Historical Archives Project Raduraksti
- The Riga Rabbinate Vital Records and the 1897 Census
- Gaon Index of Descendants
- An Unlikely Meeting in My Ancestors’ Old Shtetl of Glubokoe – Part One
- Litvik Sig
- The Jewish Vital Records of Latvia Database
- Latvian State Historical Archives – Jewish Holdings
- DNA Surnames Project
- Tips for Using GedMatch
- Uncovering Ancient Askenaz
- The Lost Synagogues of NY and NJ
- Ukranian Birth Records
- Billion Graves
- American
- The Jews of Rhode Island (Book)
- Shoah Statistics
- The Origins of Ashkenaz, Ashkenazic Jews, and Yiddish
- NYC LES landsmanschaften shul
- Reliability of Ship Manifests
- Looking at our History: Images 101
- Identities and Connections: Solving Some photo Msteries
- The Jewish Surname jJProcess in the Russian Emire and its Effect on Jewish Genealogy
- “The World of Our Mothers: The Lives of Jewish Immigrant Women,” by Sydney Stahl Weinberg (book)
- Archaeological indicators for the identification of medieval Jewish Populations
- Lots of links for researching Brooklyn, NY from Family
- Brooklyn Ancestry
- Langdon’s List of 19th & Early 20th Century Photographers
- Jewish Digital Archive Project
- YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews of Eastern Europe: Marriage
- A History of Women’s Fashions from 1900 – 1919
- Planning a Future for Your Family’s Past, by Marian Burk Wood, copyright 2016
- Mastering Online Genealogy, 5th Edition, by W. Daniel Quillen, Cold Spring Press, copyright 2016