Which one of Hannah’s great-nephew’s won a Nobel Prize in Medicine?
Hannah Wolfson’s siblings are Judah, Tanta (Aunt) Lena Schocket Shapiro, and Tanta (Aunt) Yetta Schocket Blumberg
Note: Hannah was the daughter of Yechezkel Wolfson and Mishla Qait. Supposedly, her family can be traced back to Reb Eliahu Wilnar Gaow (1720 – 1798). He was also known as the Vilna Gaon. However, I have not been able to prove that. Hannah and Julius had the same father, Yechezkel Vulfson. He was murdered for being Jewish. Their mother remarried and had at least 2 daughters with her second husband, Samuel Schocket.
Below is a family summary of each of her siblings. To learn more about their lives, click on their name under the Blieden Menu, and then under the Hannah’s Siblings Menu.
Judah Wolfson had 5 children:
- Sarah married Jim Brenner
- Abe
- Anne
- Mitchell
- Teresa
Tanta Lena Schocket Shapiro – settled in the Chicago area. She had 5 children:
- Isadore
- Minnie who married Mr. Shepps
- Sam
- Bessie who married Mr. Schwartz
- Harry
Tanta Yetta Schocket Blumberg had 4 children
- Henry – a professor in Ohio
- Meyer who married Ida and had 3 children
- David
- Dr. Baruch – winner of the Noble Prize in Medicine in 1976
- Miriam
- Leopold who married Sue Israelit
- Anne who married Dr. Surnamer and had 2 children
- Bertram
- Masso
Outstanding questions:
- Where was Hannah born?
- When did Hannah move to Wenden, Latvia?
- What are the names of her maternal and paternal grandparents?
- Is Hannah related to the Vilna Gaon?